FORUM: This is about community

FORUM: This is about community

hour 10:00
locationSala Beethoven de Bellas Artes - Avenida 2Nte #7N-66 Barrio/Centenario, Cali

 “Antes que tener que recuperar la libertad, actuemos para que no sea arrebatada.”

Forum dedicated to raising awareness and building a network to face the problem of human trafficking assertively and in community.

Aimed at: 

Academics, students, government entities and non-profit organizations related to actions against human trafficking, spokespersons for causes related to actions against human trafficking, sponsors of the public and private field, families, Knowledge Experts (EES) and Knowledge Seekers (BDS), and the community in general.

We have decided to develop the forum "Here is about community - Before having to recover freedom, let's act  so that it is not taken away" is an event organized in partnership  with the psychologist Katherine Tejada Quintero with whom we have agreed on the purpose of giving rise to the message that the Knowledge Experts (EES) can provide on mental health issues,  forensic psychology, attention to victims, cyberbullying and gender approach to the problem of human trafficking.

The objective of the event is to mobilize the community  - Knowledge Seekers (BDS) to  execute precise and real actions in  social, family, academic, labor and affinity spaces, learning to detect risk characteristics in those who could become a victim of human trafficking and on the other hand of those who present behavioral characteristics as an aggressor; in this way, experts in issues of promotion of well-being and Prevention of risk factors with the community that needs to expand its knowledge on these issues

The impact we generated among the participants:

  • Facilitate a space for discussion with EES (Knowledge Experts) on the topic of human trafficking in its different contexts of knowledge and protection.

  • Discuss the red flags of the behavior, mental state and condition of vulnerability of possible victims of human trafficking..

  • Discuss red flags regarding the mode of operation of human trafficking organizations.

As a final result, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the training in Psychological First Aid (PAPs) by It's Possible Foundation. This training will serve as a resource  for action  in the social, family, academic, labor and affinity context to address emergency situations, promote well-being and prevent risks in the face of the problem of human trafficking.

In addition, It's Possible Foundation will make possible the connection of EES and BDS to create opportunities for well-being, consistent with the capacity for  individual and collective action addressed during the forum so that freedom is not taken away.


To make this event possible, we invite you to contribute your donation through the following channels. 

Maydé +57 301 771 54 98, Psi. Katherine Tejada Quintero +57 315 7293646

From the organizing team we extend a sincere gratitude for the interest, participation and decision to support us to make possible this opportunity to provide well-being.

We invite you to know details about our organization It's Possible Foundation

FORUM SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED (We will continue in 2024)
November 11, 2023 Beethoven Fine Arts Hall,
Cali Av. 2Nte #7N-66 B/Centenario
Free admission

Organized by: 

It's Possible Foundation, Inc.

PsiKO Orientación Profesional

Capacity: 600 people

Streaming platform: Facebook and Instagram  LIVE 

Place: Sala Beethoven de Bellas Artes - Avenida 2Nte #7N-66 Barrio/Centenario, Cali

Master of Ceremony P: Carlos Alfonso Origua Ochoa

Master of Ceremony P: Eva Sarahi Ruiz


Guest Panelists:


Theme in psi forensics:  Psi. Paola Castañeda

Theme in Attention to Victims: Psi. Claudia Katherine Palacios

Theme of the route of attention against trafficking in persons: Mgtr. José Eyder Largacha



Topic Attention and Prevention of Cyberbullying:  Lic. Soledad Fuster


Invited countries: 

Argentina, United States and Mexico.

Separate your space by filling out the following form: CLICK HERE

Donations: CLICK HERE


Foro así se trata de comunidad


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